Green Club
PREP’s Green Club is passionate about saving our planet! With the support of PREP staff, parent volunteers, and the PTO Greens & Grounds committee, the Green Club participates in a variety of year-round school and community beautification projects, educational field trips, and student activism.
A Certified Maryland Green School
PREP is proud to be certified as a Maryland Green School by the Maryland Association for Environmental and Outdoor Education (MAEOE). As a Maryland Green School, PREP is part of a national and international community of sustainable green schools dedicated to helping students become better stewards of our Earth’s resources and develop a better understanding of their own local environment. Only 36% of all Maryland schools have received this certification.
Altogether, Maryland Green Schools have saved 36,369 gallons of water; reduced energy use by 7,297,118 KwH; prevented waste from going to a landfill by recycling 721,449 lbs of material; created 16,070 square feet of natural habitat; planted 1,347 native plants, including shrubs and trees; and cleaned 38,470 square feet of streambanks to protect our water quality.
By earning Maryland Green School certification, our school has demonstrated and documented a continuous effort to integrate sustainable environmental management practices, environmental education curriculum, professional development opportunities, and community engagement into our daily operations.