Federal Hill PTO Meeting Minutes
March 6, 2023
If you weren't able to make it to this month's PTO meeting, here's a quick roundup of what we discussed:
Events - Mark Your Calendar!
Pizza on the Playground - Friday March 31 - join us for a low-key pizza party on the school playground
Spring Fling - Saturday May 13 - bounce houses and games and food and music and silent auction and raffle and FUN FUN FUN!
Scramble for the Arts golf tournament - Monday June 19 - https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2023-scramble-for-the-arts-charity-golf-tournament-tickets-545348541167
PTO Business
We'll be voting on both our budget and our officers for the 2023-'24 school year at the May meeting. PLEASE JOIN US!
We're eager to hear your ideas for next year's budget (e.g., a dedicated line item to support the school musical or certain clubs). And we're accepting nominations for new officers (President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary). You can nominate yourself or a friend! Email us at federalhillpto@gmail.com
Student Experiences
Thanks to the generous donations and impressive fundraising efforts of our PTO, every grade level is getting a special "student experience" to go along with each IB unit throughout the year. In the weeks ahead, Prep students will be going to the zoo, Masonville Cove, Fort McHenry, and more. All at no or low cost to families. Thank you to our supporters!
Other topics of discussion
Afterschool basketball program coming soon!
Expressions of interest for outdoor shadowbox to post flyers and murals to beautify the blacktop area.
Finally, our friends at FSK Elementary/Middle are hosting their Pastapalooza fundraiser this Saturday, March 11.
The event is sold out, but you can still support FSK's PTO with:
Silent auction closes 7:30 Saturday March 11 https://www.biddingowl.com/FSK
Raffle items (pickle ball palooza, brunch date, spring into wellness): https://francis-scott-key-elementary-middle-school-parent-teacher-orga.square.site/
Feb. 6th, 2023
Welcome Introductions
Spring Fling Update by Delese LaCour
What is Spring Fling?
It’s a spring carnival event (silent auction, games, food, live entertainment, moon bounces).
May 13, all day affair (12-5pm)
Will need volunteers Friday and Saturday all day.
Seeking sponsorships – see Devon Conklin
Starting at $75+++
Rain or shine!
Attendance is free
Time to celebrate community and come together!
Budget Update by Dan Anderson:
To date, the most successful financially: 122 tickets sold + 1 walk up
Revenue estimate: $11,500
Expense estimate: $5,200
School Musical
Dan Anderson motioned to add $1,500 to the school musical budget
Carl Ziegler second the motion
Ms. Owen and Ms. Morgan will be reimbursed with teacher bucks
The motion was passed
Green & Grounds by Carl Ziegler and Ms. Thompson:
Carl Ziegler, Devon Conklin and Ms. Thompson met with Home Depot today, Monday. They seem interested in coming to Prep and helping with our clean up events. They will basically get the grant money themselves, get their own supplies and bring a group of volunteers.
Potential partnership with Civic Works, which will pilot a program at 4 schools – Prep is one of them.
Ms. Thompson will incorporate educational programming into the school’s curriculum and Arts Day.
Green School certification – do we have to have the green club in order to keep the certification?
Starting this Spring and moving forward, Ms. Thompson will start incorporating students into Green Club during the day to ignite more environmental learning.
Grants Committee:
South Baltimore Gateway Partnership - $45,000 grant. Used it to reimburse the gym floor, benches, hoops, scoreboard, and pads.
Matt Shudtz worked hard with another community parent to secure the scoreboard in the gym.
We were able to get an extension so we have more time to fulfill other projects.
The money has to be within “health and wellness”, which is what we were granted money for.
Going to try to replace outdoor basketball hoops
New grant opening on February 28th – do we have a plan for applying?
Student Experiences:
Julie Eugenio and Tina Crandall have been working hard on grants to secure transportation for field trips.
(no update)
Sock and underwear drive!
Wanted to give more flexibility for people to donate, so they set-up a sign-up genius instead of an Amazon wish list.
Will also accept donations - $10 suggested.
Cash/Venmo can be given to Celine Planchez
Collecting until the end of February.
Love the teachers for Valentine’s Day!
Have your kid write on a heart “why they love their teacher”. Make the hearts at home and see if Classroom Parents could help facilitate.
Working out the details
Option 1: the kids work on them at home and then put them on their own teacher’s door.
Option 2: We put hearts in folders to send home for the kids.
Option 3: Ms. Thompson can put hearts by the door for kids to do as they walk into classroom.
Open Houses
Thank you, Devon Conklin!
2 more: February and end of March
Push enrollment
Opens April 25 for Priority 1
June for Priority 2
Next year, have an enrollment committee!
When students are accepted, send an email from PTO, send a t-shirt, coordinate a playdate, etc.
Playdate in the Park
Spring playdate here at the school – right after Spring Break.
Friday, April 14th @ 5-7pm
PTO will pay for pizza
All grades
Host it at Prep
Kickball game
Thank you!
Holiday gift drive and Thanksgiving drive
Ms. Collins who recently won a secretary award!
Open discussion
What is the PreK Preparation for Accreditation?
Every 3 years. Happens tomorrow. PreK has been preparing all year.
Celebration of Learning
PreK will be March 24
Second celebration of learning for the whole school May 25
Do we have the same fundraisers every year?
Spring Fling
Golf Scramble
Restaurant nights
New Ideas:
Moms makeup and shopping?
Decorate panels in the ceiling – families decorate panels and then put them up in the school.
Bingo night?
January 9, 2023
Dec. 5th, 2022
Nov. 7, 2022
Oct. 3, 2022
Sept. 12, 2022
Thanks to everyone who made it to the PTO meeting last night. It was great to see new families! Here's a quick recap of highlights of the meeting:
School Budget: Principal Cofield led the first of three annual sessions about the school's budget. This was the "priorities engagement" session, which gives families the opportunity to provide feedback on what we believe the school's academic and other program priorities should be next year. Principal Cofield will share more information and a link to a Google Form separately. The next school budget meeting will be in February/March, where we'll get a preview of the '23-'24 school budget allocation, and Principal Cofield will review school-wide performance data. The final meeting, in March/April, will involve a final review of the school's '23-'24 budget prior to the school board's approval.
PTO Budget: PTO Treasurer Matt Eskridge provided an update on the PTO's budget. Key points: the Parking Committee raised over $32,000 this year! Thanks to individual donors from Giving Tuesday and year-end donations, totaling over $2,000! PTO President Katie Wunderlich proposed a new line item, of $1,200 expenditure, to support the school musical. After discussion, it was agreed to make it a $1,500 line item, to be voted on at our February meeting.
PrepWinterFest: Mark your calendars and get your tickets now! PrepWinterFest is an adults-only party at Mobtown Ballroom on Saturday, February 4 (7:30-11pm). We'll have an open bar, appetizers, a DJ, karaoke, and a silent auction. Tickets are $65/person through tomorrow, then they go up to $75/person. Note: if the ticket price is prohibitive, please reach out to the PTO. We want everyone there who wants to be there! Contact Dan Anderson for more info (daniel-anderson@outlook.com).
Spring Fling: Spring Fling is our annual family-friendly carnival-style event, with bounce houses, carnival games, arts & crafts, face painting, food and drinks, silent auction, raffles, and more. It'll be Saturday, May 13. The planning committee is holding its first meeting on January 17 at 7p at Delia Foley's (corner of Fort and Charles). All are welcome -- if you enjoy planning events, please come! Contact Megan Bober for more info (meganbober37@gmail.com).
Earth Day: Ms. Thompson, along with the PTO's Green & Grounds Committee, is planning an Earth Day event. They will be having a planning meeting in the morning on January 23. If you're interested in helping out, please contact Ms. Thompson (msthompson@bcps.k12.md.us).
Thank you: To Celine Plachez, for organizing the holiday gift and coat drive. To Devon Conklin, for organizing the upcoming open house. To Jess Cash and Mike Bonsiero, for organizing the chess clubs.Donec ac fringilla turpis. Aliquam bibendum, turpis eu mattis iaculis, ex lorem mollis sem, ut sollicitudin risus orci quis tellus. In sit amet felis malesuada, feugiat purus eget, varius mi. Donec ac fringilla turpis.
Good morning, Prepsters! We had a nice crowd for the PTO meeting last night. Please mark your calendars now to join us next month -- Monday, Jan. 9 at 5:45p in the cafeteria. Among other things, we'll be voting on a budget amendment (see below).
Here's what we discussed last night:
- Ms. Thompson shared an update on the many great student experiences that the PTO has supported this year. Pre-K went to Clark's Elioak Farm and Great Kids Farm. K did a Sesame Street-style neighborhood walk to meet community helpers. 1st made a family recipe book and attended "Stone Soup and Other Stories" at Goucher College. 2nd went to Great Kids Farm and welcomed a panel of speakers about standing up for your rights. 3rd visited the aquarium. 4th had a chef experience, went to Great Kids Farm, and welcomed story tellers from Charm City Bookstore. 5th went to Irvine Nature Center. Upcoming trips include the B&O Museum, Walters Art Museum, a trip to Annapolis, and more. Thanks to Julie Eugenio and Tina Crandell for all their help organizing!
- Budget update: Many thanks to our Giving Tuesday donors, who contributed more than $800 to support school experiences! Other income this month came from parking (over $4,000) and the partnership with Pure Raw Juice ($175, which paid our registration for the Scripps National Spelling Bee). Just a few expenses -- some classroom supplies through the Teacher Bucks program and a new assisted communication sign board, which will go up in the playground soon.
VOTE NEXT MONTH: Jessica Cash is organizing an after-school Chess Club through Baltimore Kids Chess League. The vendor needs payment prior to beginning the program and the PTO plans to pay the invoice. But first we need to take a vote to amend our budget. Join us 1/9.
- Prep Winter Fest is coming! Save the date for Saturday, February 4. Adults-only event. 7-10p. Dan Anderson is looking for volunteers to help with planning and administration, setup, tear down, raffle & fundraising, and the event check-in table. Contact him at daniel-anderson@outlook.com.
- Spring Fling is coming! Save the date for Saturday, May 13. This one's for the kids! 12-5p. Megan Bober will put out a call for volunteers in January.
- Open house is coming! Thursday, Jan 12. Morning and afternoon sessions. Keep an eye out for more details and please help spread the word to interested families.
- Holiday teacher/staff gifts: Judy O'Brien is again helping to coordinate gifts. Keep an eye on Bloomz for details.
- Holiday gift giving tree -- Many thanks to all of the Prep families who purchased gifts for families in need. Because of your generosity, we have multiple gifts for 10 families, including 24 kids! Celine Plachez needs your help wrapping gifts now. Bring your wrapping materials and join on December 15, 5-7p. For more info, contact Celine at celineplachez@yahoo.com.
- Ravens gameday parking: Several of our key volunteers are out of town for the next two home games -- December 24 and January 1. Both are 1p games, which means we open the lots at 9a. Please, if you're in town, we could use your help! Contact Ryan Wunderlich for more info (ryan.j.wunderlich@gmail.com)
Good morning and happy election day. Get out there and vote for the future your kids deserve!
Last night's PTO meeting was all about opportunities to get more involved. Many of our stalwart volunteers have fourth- and fifth-grade students, so the PTO's ongoing support for the school depends on new volunteers joining up.
Ravens Gameday Parking
What we do: Sell parking spots in the school lot (and grass field, when its dry enough) to raise money for the PTO. This is our #1 source of income!
We need you: Help direct traffic, hand out parking passes, and more. Every home game, starting 3-4 hours before the game. We're usually done by 30 minutes before kickoff so you can head to the stadium, the bar, or your sofa to watch the game!
Contact Ryan Wunderlich (ryan.j.wunderlich@gmail.com)
Green & Grounds
What we do: Friday morning sweeping, leaf blowing, weeding, & trash pick-up. Seasonal cleanup days. Planting and maintenance of the rain garden and sensory garden.
We need you: Fall Cleanup - 11/19; Friday morning cleanups
Contact: Carl Ziegler (zoltanz@hotmail.com)
What we do: Plan two major FUNdraising events -- Spring Fling (May 13 - carnival-style event for the whole family) and Prep Winter Fest (date TBD - parents' night out)
We need you: Join a planning committee to share your ideas and make these events great.
Contact: Dan Anderson (Prep Winter Fest) (daniel-anderson@outlook.com) ; Megan Bober (Spring Fling) (meganbober37@gmail.com)
Student Experiences
What we do: Work with Ms. Thompson (Prep's IB Coordinator) to organize field trips and in-school extracurricular activities that align with the IB curriculum.
We need you: We're launching a Giving Tuesday campaign to raise funds for buses and activity fees. Keep an eye out and help us spread the word.
Contact: Julie Eugenio (juliebeugenio@gmail.com); Tina Crandell (tinacrandell@gmail.com); Chelsea Shudtz (chelsea.aryn@gmail.com)
What we do: Apply for grants to support Green & Grounds, Student Experiences, and various in-school projects
We need you: Join our team to help ID grant opportunities, write grants, and handle grant administration & stewardship
Contact: Tony Stephens (anthony.w.stephens@gmail.com)
What we do: Keep the PTO socials fresh. Help get the word out about open houses, events, and more.
We need you: We have no committee chair right now! Please step up!
Contact Katie Wunderlich (katie.kilby.wunderlich@gmail.com)
Budget Update
PTO Treasurer Matt Eskridge provided an update on revenues and expenditures to date (see attached). The parking committee has already brought in over $15,000! Teachers, remember your Teacher Bucks! We've earmarked $200 per teacher to support your classroom needs.
Holiday Helpers
Celine Plachez provided an update on the "giving tree" project that she proposed at last month's meeting. Celine has worked with Ms. Hobson (Prep's in-school social worker) to identify families that could use our community's help to provide gifts during the holiday season. Confidentiality is being strictly protected. Celine will organize a gift list and share it soon. You can support this effort by purchasing something from the gift list or making a donation. More details to come soon. Keep an eye on Bloomz.
Traffic and Parking
Representatives of the PTO and SFC met with Councilman Eric Costello recently to discuss safety during drop-off and pick-up. The councilman had no immediate suggestions for altering traffic patterns, parking rules, or enforcement. However, he reminded us that all metered parking on Light Street is free until 10a on weekdays -- a good option for morning drop-off.
To Crystal Santifer, for organizing a successful fundraiser with Pure Raw Juice! The proceeds will pay for Prep's registration in the Scripps National Spelling Bee.
To Nick Funk (SFC Chairman) and the Classroom Parent volunteers, for getting this new program off the ground!
To Jessica Cash, for putting in some legwork to hopefully get Chess Club back at Prep soon.
To Ms. Owen and Ms. Morgan, who are getting the ball rolling for the return of the spring musical!
To all of Prep's teachers, staff, and PTO volunteers for supporting our kids' development.
Thanks to everyone who braved the early winter-like weather to come to the meeting tonight. If you had other obligations (warm sofa by the fireplace, anyone?), here are some highlights:
- Online school store accepting orders thru 10/9: https://fedhillprepfall2022.itemorder.com
- New 5th Grade parent Crystal Santifer is working on a fundraiser with Pure Raw Juice Bar to fund Prep's participation in the Scripps National Spelling Bee. PTO can cover the fees, too.
- Megan Bober has volunteered to chair Spring Fling. Thanks, Megan!
- Lauren Stephens is still welcoming new members for the Green Club. 3rd-5th graders welcome. Email lucolia@yahoo.com
- Celine Plachez volunteered to take the lead on an Angel Tree-type effort to ensure families in need have gifts to give during the holiday season. Thanks, Celine! We also discussed doing something similar for Thanksgiving.
- Principal Cofield shared information about tutoring being offered to help students with below grade level EOY and BOY scores in reading and math -- on the order of $200k worth of tutoring being funded by the school district.
- Principal Cofield also shared updates on safety -- regarding new equipment (walkie talkies) on order, badges for all staff, active shooter training for staff, and entrance/dismissal protocols that ensure limited access to school grounds. She encourages parents to feel free to contact her about any concerns. Thanks Principal Cofield for acting on the recommendations from our last meeting!
- Mr. Jones updated us on the early learning program's progress towards triennial re-accreditation. They are currently undergoing the "environmental" review, so keep an eye on Donors Choose and Bloomz for materials they might need to ensure successful re-accreditation this year.
- PTO spending: Look for improvements on school grounds soon. We're funding purchase and installation of Assisted and Augmented Communication (AAC) boards, and we're updating the gym's hoops to raise and lower for all ages.
Mark your calendars:
Friday, 10/7 - 8:30a - Coffee at the Crab (in front of the school)
Thurs., 10/20 - Movie on the Green
Lost your umbrella? Had a conflict? No worries -- we've got you covered. Here's a recap of tonight's PTO meeting:
Katie Wunderlich (PTO President) welcomed everyone to our first in-person meeting since early 2020 (!!!). After a special shout-out to Andrea Anderson, Megan Bober, and others who have been forging relationships through events like last week's Kickball Pizza Party, we went around the room to introduce ourselves.
Principal Cofield and AP Holt also joined us, with encouragement to mark our calendars for upcoming events -- Back to School Night (this Thursday 9/15), Movie on the Green in October, and Trunk or Treat close to Halloween.
Melissa Shaull-Thompson (msthompson@bcps.k12.md.us), former K teacher and now IB Coordinator, shared an overview and update on Prep's International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program. Prep's IB program is in the candidacy phase, with hopes of achieving our official authorization later this year or early next. Ms. Thompson spoke about how the IB program helps our kids learn to be problem solvers, critical thinkers, and life-long learners. She went over the ten traits of the IB learner profile and talked about some of the other ways the IB program is unique, including the transdisciplinary themes that add to our math and ELA curriculum, and the inquiry cycle that encourages students to ask questions, research, share their findings, reflect, and act.
Nick Funk, chair of the Student Family Council, urged parents to consider joining. We need three new parents to join in order to meet the district's membership requirements. SFC is involved in the school budget process and in the School Performance Plan...no fundraising! This year, SFC is also coordinating classroom parents. SFC is looking for parents especially in Pre-K, 3rd, 4th, and 5th who might take that on. It might involve coordinating volunteers for the teacher, helping with field trips or teacher appreciation, coordinating with PTO on classroom needs, and relaying important messages. For more info contact Nick at nickfunk29@gmail.com.
Katie Wunderlich, on behalf of PTO Treasurer Matt Eskridge who was traveling, provided an overview of the PTO budget. She also posed a question to PTO members: We had planned to spend $10k for IB support that is no longer necessary. How might we "reprogram" that spending? Suggestions from membership included more money for student experiences, radios for school staff, and photo IDs for school staff and parents.
We had a discussion about school safety and protocols for drop-off and pick-up. Parents raised concerns about the number of people on campus in the morning, open doors and gates (including during instructional time), staff's ability to communicate without radios, lack of photo IDs for picking up kids, and young students wandering from the playground unattended in the morning. Principal Cofield and Katie Wunderlich committed to working together to address the concerns.
Remember to keep in touch by following on Bloomz and the PTO's Facebook page.
Next Coffee at the Crab: Friday, 10/7 @ 8:30a
Next evening PTO Meeting: Monday, 10/3 @ 6:00p
Check out www.federalhillprep.org/calendar for a new Google-based calendar so you can add events easily to your own calendar (just click the '+' sign at the bottom right). Thanks Katie Wolfe!